
(前年比 +497)

Thank you for visiting our site.

My name is “Happy illustrator”Chacanity, and I am the owner of Chacanity's gallery.
I was born and raised in Aichi, but moved to Tokyo for work.

We draw original illustrations with water-based pens and deliver posters and other similar products to our customers ♪

We are happy to provide our customers with works that will make their daily life more enjoyable, peaceful, and happy.

Please have a look.

For me, painting is a continuous process of creation and enthusiasm that fundamentally originates from chaos.

While I was still in school, I used to draw on the back of pachinko fliers, thinking about all of the different worlds I could experience while doing this. It made my heart pound with excitement.

I would get lost in painting, forgetting to eat and turn my light on, and before I could notice it was dark outside.

To this day, I believe that artists wield a certain type of magic.

They turn their pen and brush into a magic wand, to share the excitement and thrill they feel with people from all over the world.



第18回世界絵画大賞展 入選 作品名『ニチリンノヒカリ』
美術手帖「Mellow Art Award 2020」入賞(アプリにて世界デジタル配信開始)

書籍掲載/List of publications

飾れるアート塗り絵『アート塗り絵コレクション』〜人物モチーフ編〜 作品掲載
